Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

7. Nabire, Papua

Besides Raja Ampat in West Papua, Papua Paradise Earth has Nabire which is predicted to be more and more tourists. Nabire is a district located in the Paradise Bay.

Attractiveness in Nabire namely, tourists can dive and meet directly with the whale sharks. Body length can be up to 13 meters, and weighing up to 15 tons. As the size of a large bus that is under the sea!

Relax, whale sharks are harmless to humans. The food they were only small fish and plankton. As well, really docile whale sharks with divers.

You are diving there, can swim meliak-contortion as dancing with whale sharks. Jenaaka animals is also often 'mangap', because the oral cavity is very large and has no teeth aka funny toothless.

To dive with whale sharks, you can melipir to Kwantisore village. Oh yeah, to get to Nabire, some airlines such as Garuda and Lion Air from Jakarta had its route. Garuda transit first in Ambon then continue to Nabire. Whereas, if Lion flew there.


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