Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

1. Banda Aceh, Aceh

 Impression and Islamic sharia in Banda Aceh is the attraction of tourists to come there. Moreover, the city which 10 years ago was hit by the tsunami has been restored to normal and tempting to be visited.

Speaking of travel, please select your own place you want to go. Banda Aceh Tsunami Museum which has a neat store images and video footage of the tsunami sweep 10 years ago. You will learn to appreciate the values of life when entering. One again, is a diesel Ship Floating Lampulo, a ship that brought the tsunami wave and stuck on top of the house.

Do not forget also, feel free to stop Baiturrahman Mosque, the mosque had a pretty magnificent architecture. For those who like to relax on the beach, go the beaches in neighboring districts like Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar have LhokNga beach for surfing and beach Lampuuk are predicted as his Kuta Beach Aceh province.

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