Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

6. Alor, NTT

Alor is the name of a district in East Nusa Tenggara islands that form. Of 20 islands, one of which also named the island of Alor and touted as the new underwater paradise in Indonesia.

Just ask Riyanni Djangkaru or Nadine Chandrawinata. Two beautiful women celebrities that often refer to Alor is a beautiful destination. In fact, Nadine just planning to come there in the month of January.

What's going on Alor Island? Underwater riches can make you fall in love. Precisely at Panta Strait, which separates the island of Alor and the island of wonder, you will be tempted by the many coral reefs and a variety of marine fish. One more thing, visibility in the crystal clear sea sunguh!

To get to the island of Alor, first you have to fly to Kupang first. After that, the airline has pioneered such TransNusa ride for 50 minutes to arrive on the island of Alor. The problem of accommodation, some class jasmine like Adi Dharma Hotel, Hotel Pelangi Indah, Hotel Marlina and Walnuts Nusa Indah Hotel can diinapi. Congratulations delirious divers!


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