Kamis, 17 November 2011

PSSI Will Decide Fate Wim After SEA Games

PSSI Akan Tentukan Nasib Wim Setelah SEA Games
Bola.net - The fate of Indonesia national team coach WimRijsbergen will be known after the 2011 SEA Games title is over,it is as expressed by the responsible national team, BernhardLimbong.

"All will be our evaluation, both for coaches and players, after theSEA Games is over," said Limbong.

Wim achievement itself is actually very bad, regardless of theopponents faced by Indonesia's level is above the Garuda Team.

Indonesia should be the butt of the opposing team is in Group EPre 2014 World Cup Asian Zone, five defeats from five games topoor performance Wim.

In addition, Indonesia also trouble scoring, even wicket Indonesiaconstantly bombarded opposing teams, carrying the ball 16 to be collected from the goal itself and is only able to score 3 goals.

Limbong asserted will most likely occur repositioning coachingthe senior national team and will most likely be done with the evaluation conducted PSSI.

Separately, the Fair Play Committee PSSI will conductcompliance monitoring of fair play on the players, coaches, referees, supporters, organizers associated with the games andcompetitions in the PSSI.

In addition, PSSI will also send representatives to the CAS in Switzerland, in connection with the complaint of the consultantMichele Bacchini.

PSSI reported Bacchini Nurdin Halid era who has not paid his services as a consultant to prepare Indonesia to host World Cup

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