Senin, 21 November 2011

Egi And Dirga Restored, Ready to Show Full Garuda Team

Egi Dan Dirga Pulih, Garuda Siap Tampil Full Team - Coming to the match against MalaysiaIndonesia U-23national team prepared to come with their best formationIn addition Septia Bonsapia Hadi and Stevieall penggawaSkuadra Young Garuda is in a condition ready for combat.

"At present, the condition of the players who had reportedlyinjured is recoveringJust stay Septia and Stevie are almost certainly not get down in this fightTheir condition is still not fit," said U-23 national team managerRoso Daras on ballsnet.

Meanwhile, related conditions and Dirga Lasut Melgiansyah Egiwho had reportedly injured in the party's semi-final againstVietnamRoso said that two young midfielders Skuadra Garudawas likely to appearThey both suffered no serious injury.

"Egi and Dirga also been recoveredThey did not until a seriousinjury in a match against Vietnam thenThey can perform in this game," said Roso.

Howevereven after they were recovered, does not mean they will instantly become a starter in the game tonight. Because theteam's new coach will determine the composition of players in ameeting that will be done later at 15.30.

"All still have to wait for the results of the meeting. Today, I alsodo not know anyone who would be lowered by a team trainer.However, anyone who is lowered, it is the best composition andbest prepared," added Roso.

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