Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Facebook and Android Security Still Weak

    Batasan Umur Pengguna Facebook Akan Dihapus?
KOMPAS.com - Internet World and the smartphone is a very fast growing field of recent times. In the world of the Internet, social media by sucking up as a leader now more than 80 percent of Internet users. That is, now, the internet user preferences have changed. Internet users now spend more time in social media to interact. They're probably still looking for news or reference, but the numbers may have been greatly reduced because of the reference and news can also be obtained through social media.
In the field of gadgets, smartphones in particular the progress that had Android OS has changed the competitive landscape and rummaging through a vendor that had existed previously. Nokia, Apple, and RIM OS now must be willing to be exceeded those made by Google's Android. In fact, because it was too far behind, Nokia abandon their own OS and join Microsoft.
Progress made by Facebook and Android certainly has two sides, positive and negative. Positive for Facebook, now members are more than 600 million people. Negative, the security level up even more questionable. Android Likewise, from various smartphone operating system, Android is an OS that seems most easily attacked and infiltrated by malicious programs, including the store application.
To ensure that up and Android least secure, we can see a report of AVG security analysis conducted recently for the first quarter of 2011. According to AVG, evil campaign (malicious campaigns) on Facebook has tripled in the last year. For Android, AVG said that users experience significant increased risk associated with the nature of Android is open source and open-garden approach is applied, which allows users to install software on their smartphone, so opened the door for hackers to make malicious code. In addition, the fragmentation in the Android platform (such as Donut, Eclair, and Gingerbread) also did not help make Android more secure.
For Facebook, AVG notes that the popularity of Facebook has a price, namely up were targeted for internet crimes. Because it can reach 600 million users, Facebook has become attractive targets for cyber criminals. This corresponds with the popularity of cyber criminals themselves, which if successful commit crimes in up means can conquer over 600 million people. In addition, the confidence of high friends on Facebook, for example in the case of a short URL some time ago, if a friend already clicked the URL, another friend will believe and follow, making clicking easier cyber criminals conduct cyber crimes successful.
AVG showed 42 percent of malware detected in the up coming from third-party applications. According to AVG, Facebook users are often tempted to follow some of the survey (though it's a trap) that when followed was promised a chance to watch certain videos that are mostly porn videos. There is also a survey page on Facebook that contains the click jacking unknown where the "Like" it so that when users click the mouse without accidentally on the page, its wall will be met by the messages or automatic status updates that often vulgar making shame user or can spread to her friend who had clicked on the survey page.
Not only that, security is on Facebook has been the subject of a very long discussion. As evidence of how weak the security of this site is now the CEO up his own fan page, Mark Zuckerberg, hackers cracked some time ago. In addition, also the case of a short URL, URL of a video that asks the user clicks to view porn videos Lindsay Loohan, and much more. This indicates that despite having tried to make this site safe, cyber criminals were more intelligent and can still do the crime.
To minimize the security problems on Facebook, you need to do the following things.
1. Always use https instead of http unusual because it is more easily infiltrated by malicious programs, hackers, malware, and the like. To change the http to https, click Account Settings, then click the Account Security and check both boxes.
2. Use a third-party applications as little as possible. Third-party applications is a major source of attacks against Facebook account. Be careful using the application, when you're finished using a particular application, immediately remove the application from the list of applications that are used.
3. Beware of URLs that are too good to be true. Redundant words, a fairly grandiose promises that accompany a particular URL, usually the malware or viruses that infiltrate on Facebook. Avoid clicking on the URL like this.
4. Do not engage in chat, if not too pushy. If possible, use IM, do not chat on the up because the chat is also found that damage of malicious programs is on Facebook. Certainly prudence is the main user. If users are not careful in using an account on Facebook, the business up for increased security will be in vain.

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