Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Today's national team in Taheran Lebaran

National team soccer World Cup Pre Indonesia is currently in Tehran, the Iranian capital. The plan, Word et al Utina will face the hosts in the inaugural party III Group D qualifiers 2014 World Cup Asian zone, on Friday (09/02/2011) evening local time.

But before the party to determine, the Garuda team had a record in itself. The first national team in the history of Red and White, they celebrate the feast of Eid al-Fitr in the land, precisely in the cage opposite. The national team personnel who are Muslim as Christian Gonzalez, a trio of Mohammed, Ridwan, Ilham and Nasuha, Word Utina captain and several others, including the Assistant Coach Liestiadi, perform Eid prayers at the Office of the Embassy of Indonesia in Tehran.

The soldiers are joining the national team along with the entire family of the Embassy of Iran, including Iran's Ambassador to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan concurrently, Iwan Wiranataatmadja Drs.

The smell of emotion instantly felt shortly after the sunnah prayer is completed. The personnel team melting into one, each bermaafan between them and there are some people who directly contact a relative in Indonesia.

"We're excited even though it still humanely gathered together it feels like family. The children have mental memersiapkan for this, and of course we hope that their sacrifice can pay off with positive results counter Iran, three days," said Liestiadi, assistant coach Indonesia, the Tribunnews, Tuesday (30/08/2011).

He describes, after praying, followed by shaking each other to say the word apology, calling the family and enjoy the cuisine of Indonesia. "There is a diamond as well, but it was still more enjoyable in the country. We are pleased and excited, because the embassy received us well," added Liestiadi.

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