Minggu, 09 Januari 2011


Solo Final Results Persema Vs FC 5-1 Gol 2011/2012 LPI Irfan Bachdim Premier League Matches Premier Indonesia 2011. Solo - Persema Malang Indonesia opening Premier League match with party goals. Solo FC who defeated their opponents 5-1. 
In the game at Manahan Stadium, Solo, Saturday (01/08/2011) afternoon local time, Persema indeed appear more dominant than the opponent. Noted that landing troops scored 12 shots in the first round, where four of which leads right into the target.
Good statistical records that resulted in three goals that successfully created the squad landing Timo Scheunemann was in the first round. Irfan Bachdim scored two goals in between.

Teguh Jaya Anga open Persema advantage after the kick could not be driven by the goalkeeper Riyan Budi Setyawan. Goal was offside smell was mistaken, but from a position Jaya rebroadcast proven clean.

Less dense Solo defense makes Persema more freely to demolish their defense. Irfan impact could menggenlontorkan two two additional goals to the goal of Solo.

The first born in the 26th minute, while the second was born in minute 39. Both occurred after Irfan off not terkawal defense so they can deal one on one with Riyan.

Two minutes into the second half, Robbie Gaspar zoom position to be 4-0. Again, the players do not terkawal Persema so well that Robbie was freely able to launch the ball into the goal Solo.

M. Kamri then scored the last goal Persema in this fight. Stitches into the penalty box Solo ends with a movement to deceive Riyan. He was immediately kick off his right foot and make his team ahead 5-0.

Solo entertainment goals were created by Yunet Hardianto after a hard kick from outside the penalty box failed to be driven to perfection by Sukasto. The goalkeeper dismissed negligent in Yunet kick and the ball ended up sliding into the goal.
Persema Score Solo vs. Fc 5-1 lasted until the fight was over. detik.com
Indonesia Premier League LPI, LPI Club List 2011/2012, Soccer Teams Premier League Indonesia Member Profile, Premier League clubs LPI Participant Indonesia, Indonesia composition Players Premier League 2011/2012 LPI, LPI Live Matches Premier League Indonesia, LPI Match Schedule 2011 2012 Premier League Indonesia, 2011/2012 Results Standings LPI, LPI Participant Club Latest Update, Foreign Coach LPI, Final Result Persema LPI 5-1 FC Vs Solo 2011/2012, Score Matches Premier League Indonesia, Solo Video Persema vs. FC 5 - 1 Gol Irfan Bachdim, Match Prime LPI 2011.

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