Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Adrenaline runway at the World's Longest Suspension Bridge

Skybridge near Sochi, Russia southwest, extending to nearly one kilometer and can accommodate 30,000 people at the same time. And extreme sports enthusiasts who do not satisfied with the level of a certain height can try to walk on the high wire bridge over 152.4 meters above the valley. Known as Trollwire, people walking on this bridge can oscillate when exposed to winds of 112.6 km / h.

World's longest suspension bridge

World's longest suspension bridge

A Bridge Too Fast Opens In Russia

World's longest suspension bridge

World's longest suspension bridge

A Bridge Too Fast Opens In Russia


Healthy Nutrition For You The Hobby Futsal

Nutrisi Sehat Untuk Anda Yang Hobi Futsal

Healthy Nutrition For You The Hobby Futsal 

Bola.net - Most people are not too think about what they eat. And if you include people who exercise regularly, especially playing futsal, foods with healthy nutrition should also be noted that you can still play with the maximum. 

Carbohydrates. This kind of food is best suited for your always-on exercise is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles that allow you to have enough power when playing futsal. Try also to consume low-fat foods because these can actually slow down the process of digesting food and the body's ability to process nutrients. 

Protein. In addition to carbohydrates, proteins must also be present in your diet. Protein helps muscle growth and healing. That's why the protein becomes mandatory for the physical menu futsal players. 

Hydration. Keeping your body hydrated is a very important factor. Most people think only of nutrients found in food, but the body is not properly hydrated it becomes the cause of your injury. When exercising, the body loses ION and body fluids through perspiration. Containing drinks like Pocari Sweat ION can restore body fluids and ION faster. 

With healthy nutrition and sufficient, the sweatgeneratION you can play futsal more effectively.