Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Adrenaline runway at the World's Longest Suspension Bridge

Skybridge near Sochi, Russia southwest, extending to nearly one kilometer and can accommodate 30,000 people at the same time. And extreme sports enthusiasts who do not satisfied with the level of a certain height can try to walk on the high wire bridge over 152.4 meters above the valley. Known as Trollwire, people walking on this bridge can oscillate when exposed to winds of 112.6 km / h.

World's longest suspension bridge

World's longest suspension bridge

A Bridge Too Fast Opens In Russia

World's longest suspension bridge

World's longest suspension bridge

A Bridge Too Fast Opens In Russia


Healthy Nutrition For You The Hobby Futsal

Nutrisi Sehat Untuk Anda Yang Hobi Futsal

Healthy Nutrition For You The Hobby Futsal 

Bola.net - Most people are not too think about what they eat. And if you include people who exercise regularly, especially playing futsal, foods with healthy nutrition should also be noted that you can still play with the maximum. 

Carbohydrates. This kind of food is best suited for your always-on exercise is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the muscles that allow you to have enough power when playing futsal. Try also to consume low-fat foods because these can actually slow down the process of digesting food and the body's ability to process nutrients. 

Protein. In addition to carbohydrates, proteins must also be present in your diet. Protein helps muscle growth and healing. That's why the protein becomes mandatory for the physical menu futsal players. 

Hydration. Keeping your body hydrated is a very important factor. Most people think only of nutrients found in food, but the body is not properly hydrated it becomes the cause of your injury. When exercising, the body loses ION and body fluids through perspiration. Containing drinks like Pocari Sweat ION can restore body fluids and ION faster. 

With healthy nutrition and sufficient, the sweatgeneratION you can play futsal more effectively.

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

5 Tips M5 Photo Tip Ray of Light


Ray of Light di Green Canyon (enche)
Jakarta - One photograph subjects that usually attract attention is the ray of light. Bias sun is shining on the earth memorable dreamy and magical. 

Actually not difficult to photograph rays of light, just that we need to observe the light well, is in position and the right camera settings. Some tips to get ray of light (ROL) the following may be tried: 

1. The morning in the highlands 
In the morning shortly after sunrise, and in the highlands, usually a lot of fog are quite low, as the sun shines through the fog, that's when we can see quite clearly biased light. 

2. Photographing behind trees / leaves 
Trees and foliage can be split bias sun light so that the lines look more apparent. 

3. Find a dark background 
Background such as climbing walls, a dark room, or leafy trees will make a ray of light more clearly because of differences in the light dark contrast.

4. Use smoke to refract light 
If there is no mist, you can use the smoke to get a ray of light effect. Cigarette smoke and incense (incense) are two popular enameled smoke. Make smoke in the path of light rays. 

5. Setting the camera exposure 
The sunlight is too bright camera light can outwit calculation (metering). Cameras assume the light is too bright, so choose a setting to limit light, the results can be rather dark picture. 

Thus, we often need to set the ISO, shutter speed and ISO manually to get the desired dark light. For the opening, my advice using a relatively small openings such as f/8-f/16 to limit light and improve contrast.

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

How Calories Burned In The Body?

KickandRush.blogspot.com.If you want to lose weight, we often hear, calories burned needs more than calorie intake. That is why exercise and diet are two things that need to be done to achieve that goal. But actually how calorie-burning mechanism in the body? 

Clinical nutrition specialist Oetoro Samuel said, burning calories in the body occurs due to metabolism. The faster rate of metabolism, the more calories you burn, and vice versa. 
Metabolism is the body's process of generating energy used for basic living needs or also known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and daily activities. Metabolic rate varies in each person, so that any calorie needs also vary. 
"Usually the older the person, the rate of metabolism decreases, so that age is a determining factor for the speed of the metabolic rate," Samuel said when contacted by Reuters Health, Friday (01/17/2014). 
In addition to age, he continued, the factors that affect the metabolism of the other gender and the environment, such as temperature, and several other factors. These factors generally affecting the BMR. Beyond that, the factor can be derived from physical activity. 
Physical activity determines the rate of metabolism, then the people who do more physical activity will burn more calories than a little physical activity. 
The same thing is also spoken by a physician observer lifestyle and physiologists, Grace Judio-Kahl. He said, BMR is the energy required to sustain life such as body temperature, the lungs, heart rate, and other body systems. The number of calories needed for BMR is relatively fixed, but the extra calories for other activities that are different, depending on their physical activity. 
"If little activity, less exercise, for example, needs just calories BMR plus 30 percent. While someone is actively engaged caloric needs can reach the BMR plus 40 to 50 percent," said the owner of the Lighthouse clinic. 
Grace explained, so that the body can burn more calories with optimal, then an increase in physical activity needs to be done. But other than that, in fact one can also increase BMR, ie by increasing the muscle mass of the body. 
Muscular body, he explained, requires more energy so generally people with more muscle mass also have a higher BMR. "How can increase muscle mass with strength training or lifting weights," he explained.

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Documentary films about Indonesia "The Act of Killing" in 2014 Oscar Nominations

NEW YORK, KickandRush.blogspot.com - documentary film "The Act of Killing," about the massacre in Indonesia in 1960's Oscar-nominated 2014.
The film will be a tight fight was awarded Best Documentary versions 86th Academy Awards or Oscar 2014 along with four other films, "Cutie and the Boxer", "Dirty Wars", "The Square", and "20 Feet from Stardom".
"The Act of Killing" is directed by Joshua Oppenheimer. This film raised melancholy story about mass murder and impunity in Indonesia by a death squad leader named Anwar Congo, known vicious strangle hundreds of people just by using wire.
The work also involves Oppenheimer Werner Herzog and Errol Morris as executive producer and created by mostly Indonesian crew, also caused controversy because the story is not uncommon. Moreover, the reconstruction of the events has always been a source of dispute in the documentary world.
However, before Oppenheimer has done for a long debate to a new level by encouraging the perpetrators of human rights violators accountable for their crimes in the film and a global audience.
"I think it's our duty as a filmmaker, as people delve into the world, to create the most profound realities of the issues," Oppenheimer quoted the New York Times.
"This is a man, like us, who have to brag about unimaginable cruelty. And the question is, 'Why are they doing this? For whom are they doing this? What does it mean for them? How do they want to see? How do they see themselves?' And this method (the movie) is how to answer the questions, "he continued.
"The Act of Killing" is known to the West as the massacre of one million people in Indonesia in the era of military rule in the 1960s, in which the victims were labeled communists, but also targeting labor leaders, intellectuals and ethnic Chinese. Paramilitary groups that committed the murder at the behest of the Indonesian Armed Forces and with support from the United States and its allies by reason only worried that it would be like Vietnam and Indonesia fell to the communists.
In Indonesia, it is common knowledge events. "A kind of open secret, kept hidden discreetly so if you want, you can pretend it did not happen," said John Roosa, a scholar of Indonesian history at the University of British Columbia, and author of "pretext for Mass Murder", a book of leading the 1965 massacre.
"So the film has become provoke, encourage, citizen of Indonesia to ask, 'Tell us what's going on?'" He continued.
When it organized murder occurred in Indonesia which is the fourth most populous country in the world, but Oppenheimer focuses on Medan, North Sumatra. In the film also tells the story of a group called "gangster films", fans of John Wayne and Marlon Brando, who commit murders inspired from the movies they like."It feels like we are killing with pleasure," said Oppenheimer.