Rattan cane Indonesia became the largest contributor worldwide.However, it is unfortunate that this has yet to be truly optimized foreconomic growth in Indonesia and perpetrators of rattan.
Similarly unfortunate Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan. Therefore, the government took measures to close the tap the export of rattan.
This is all to empower all actors in the country both in theupstream to downstream.
"The logic is why we want to close? We are not manufacturers ofrattan raw materials 80-90 per cent of total raw materialsworldwide. Why can not we empower our own comrades inIndonesia to increase production capacity. Of course, with good technology. Now we must sikapi, "said Gita, in the Office of the Ministry of Trade, Jakarta, Monday (11/28/2011).
Therefore, such expressed Gita, would have been improvementsin the future.
Moreover, export of rattan Permendag termination is not justmere thoughts Ministry of Trade. Work but also a comprehensivepackage of three ministries, namely Ministry Perdinstrian,Ministry of Forestry, and Ministry of Trade.
"I must underline that this will be based on several assumptions.First, we get the confidence of all stakeholders. Including the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Forestry that the absorption will be done. "
Because, said Gita, Permendag termination of this cane is notonly about stocks that will be provided to the front. But also the remaining stock.
Continued, the government must also be convinced to do the construction of production capacity at production centers outside of Java as well.
Is it in Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Sumatra. "Wherever it is. It wasnecessary, in order industrilisasinya happen, "he based.